Invoice Maker
What is an Invoice?
We are very much familiar with invoices in our day-to-day life. The seller provides invoices regarding product purchase.
An invoice is a commercial document given to the buyer by the seller related to a sales transaction. It includes the cost of the products, name of the seller, description of items or products, applicable taxes etc.
So, every seller or vendor confirms the completion of sales transaction and claims the bill against such supply via this invoice document. So, invoices preparation is one of the important tasks after selling a product or item. Now invoice preparation can take appreciable time depending on the items, their rates, tax application and complexity of item list.
Sometimes, preparing invoices can take a few minutes or even 3 – 4 hours. So, if there is any predefined format to make invoices and present the price in a definite format then time taken to make the invoices can be reduced to an appreciable extent. So one can consider a software or a web application in the form of that predefined format where the Seller or user using the software for making invoices within a few seconds.
Two types of Invoices:
Tax Invoice: A tax invoice is an invoice sent to the purchaser including the amount of tax payable on the item or products. It includes description, quantity, price etc.
Proforma Invoice: Proforma invoice is a preliminary format of invoice. It is sent to the customer prior to the delivery of the item or products. It describes what the seller is providing with product price, supplier and customer name etc. Mostly it is issued on the request of purchaser to get clear idea of proposed commercial purchase transaction.
Invoice Maker is designed for:
Invoices can be used for keeping track of all sales transactions by any organization with its customer.
Suppliers, Vendors, businesses, and Private individuals can use invoice makers to keep sales tracking, and inventory tracking, for businesses selling products in shops and industries. Invoice maker helps seller and buyer both to keep track of their payment. The Invoice is useful for Retailer goods purchased from Manufacturer, Small business , Shopping Mart etc.
Requirement for Invoice:
Now we will make a list of items or products which are required to be described in an Invoice Maker. Date of issue, an Invoice number or reference number is required. The Customer details are required with the customer name and address. So, that the seller can contact later if required. Then the items for which invoice has been prepared comes into picture so the items list with their rate and total amount should be mentioned with applicable tax , tax amount and grand total. Signature of the seller or his representative is essential to authenticate the Invoice.
We at CleverlyWork have considered all the above requirements for preparing Invoices. And have come up with our Invoice Maker over our web platform A mobile application of the same is also available.
This is one of the modules to get the idea of the CleverlyWork platform. This is fully customizable and users can add any data field or any new elements with its drag and drop option. So, it comes very handy with transparent and very concise process flows that can add any of the fields for his convenience and for his use.
CleverlyWork can preparetwo types of invoices Tax Invoice & Proforma Invoice which are readily customizable as per your process needs.
CleverlyWork Invoice Maker features:
In our Invoice Maker module which is a reference for observation or further customization which is readily available on our website, has following features.
It has four types of forms: Database, Category, Process form and Report. It has product databases and customers databases and their two categories namely product categories and customer category. A user can have the option to create his own category and edit and delete those categories. Also these forms are linked with these two databases with a provision to create or edit categories through pop up buttons which are called as modals.
The user is expected to fill the data related to products and customers using these forms and categories will play additional supporting fields. The Customer and Product databases can be linked to the customizable report and automatically get information in a tabular format.
Organized the data
It helps to set data in a tabular format in an organized manner.
Easily generate Invoices
With the help of ready made template,tasks become easy for making Tax and Proforma invoices.
Updating Invoices
It is easy to update data bases and repoprts in Invoice maker.
Matter related to taxation
Through invoice they get to know the total information related to tax rate percentage.
How it works?
There are advanced options in the CleverlyWork Invoice Maker such as Tax Invoice & Proforma Invoice with a reusable and editable format. It prints separate invoices according to the product sales as the details mentioned in the database, category and process lists.
Preparing Invoice Maker: The real process of making an invoice begins with a form named invoice maker that has been provided with this application. It is a grid type of form and a provision to fill the items along with their rates is given here. So, you can add multiple rows indicating different items which purchaser had purchased. Also the form has basic features where the customer name and invoice number will be allotted to this particular entry..
Print Your Invoice: You are required to take print out to hand it over to your customer or client. For that purpose, a report which is HTML type has been attached to this form. This is an editable report where you can add, update and delete different fields as per your requirement. Now you are ready to make a invoices in your module and take its print out to handover it to your customer.
Greater Flexibility: It is based on a dynamic platform which offers the user greater flexibility to accommodate his requirements in the presented module. Every form is a drag and drop option which has been built in the form designer. The report section has all the database entries visible to the user. A simple click on the add entry icon will lead him to a new fresh form.
So, simple changes or a few editions will take you to your exactly dreamed solution for your invoice making problems.
Template format: In CleverlyWork Invoice Maker there are readymade templates with tabular format. It can reusable and editable format. It has options like customizable template and HTML template. With the help of a customizable template they can create a structure of invoices as per their need. And through ready made HTML template they can get directly invoice prints in those fomats.
Also as all the information has been stored on a digital platform with electronic gadgets, hectic memory tensions of recalling all the figures and making invoices will be seen in history soon. Also complex products with many categories and with different types of pricing can be accommodated easily in this solution also if tax patterns are different then also it can be handled.
Having a CleverlyWork solution for your Invoice making is a great resource for your organization. It can be linked easily with our database module and all your information related to your products and customers will transform easily into invoice.
You can visit our case study page to know how our product is useful to our clients. Contact us to know more.