Case Study
Visitor Management

Zito Security Services
Zito Security Services is collecting data more accurately and responsive due to CleverlyWork Visitor Management, as they have more control over their resources with more productively.

About Zito Security Services
Zito Security Serivices is an Indian Security Agency established in 2018. It currently operates in 5+ cities like Mumbai, Pune, Thane, Nashik, and Navi Mumbai. Zito Security Services has employed its security personnel in Manufacturing facilities, Mall, Industrial Complexes, etc. Zito Security Services has minimum 4-5 employees to maximum upto 50 employees depending on the scope of their Client Sites. It helps to find the visitor details and update the records of the visitor.
Manufactring Industries
5+ Cities
12+ Branches
300+ Employees
Zito Security Services maintains a record in the visitors’ register and needs to update the records manually such as Visitor name, Address, Identity card, whom they want to meet, In time Out time and it is a time-consuming process. Sometimes, there is an inquiry about the visitor details and the shift in charge need to check all the details from the register to get the exact data, and sometimes it may lead to missing data in the register while updating data manually.
In between, specific time slot (afternoon from 1-3 & Evening from 4-6) there is a visitor queue it takes time to update the details of each visitor. Sharing the details of frequent visitors and one-time visitors is also a difficult task because there is no digital format to share the data with the vigilance team and it is a time-consuming process.
The data scanning is needed for a frequent visitor it takes a lot of time to verify. The visitor In & Out times are to be mentioned manually in the register. So, they need a fast and advanced system for updating the details of the visitor and getting the report of a particular visitor.
Manual Updating
The details need to update manually and time-consuming process
Only a few visitors are pre-registered.
Visitor analysis
It is difficult to analyze the visitor status and visitors count.
Data Fetch
It is unable to fetch the data of frequent visitors and needs complete re-update.
Cleverlywork Solution
CleverlyWork software has designed and provides process transparency for data collection about the visitors and many other aspects that become visible, traceable, and predictable for you, rather than being hidden.
CleverlyWork Software provides Drag and Drop elements that can be editable by adding such details as Visitor Name, Address, Identity Proof, In time & Out time, etc. So it is easy to update the data in the software. With the help of In-time reference, the Out-time status gets closed automatically.
CleverlyWork software helps Zito Security Services to find the total count of visitors in a day and No. of visitors are present in the premises. CleverlyWork software has designed tools that speed up updating details efficiently. It is a hassle-free and time-reducing process with the accurate result of updated data and new information updated.
CleverlyWork software helps Zito Security Services with advanced features and user-friendly concepts. Zito Security Services adopted an Advance software, CleverlyWork which helps to smoothen their work.
Visitor Status
It helps to analyze the visitor status efficiently with In & Out time.
CleverlyWork software offers a time-saving concept with fully customizable options.
Visitor activity
CleverlyWork software helps to capture the information and gain visibility on the visitor.
Systematic Organization
The collected data are kept in an organized format and help to find the details easily.
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