Case Study
Transportation Management

Express Transport Corporation
Express Transport Corporation is now more punctual & responsive due to CleverlyWork Transportation Management Solution, as they exhibit crucial control over their resources with more efficiency.

About Express Transport Corporation
Express Transport Corporation has been associated with various transportation services since last 30 years and uses a traditional way of business. Express Transport Corporation has various trucks, drivers, technicians and non-technicians workers. They have offices in 12 cities including major cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata. They are having their own set up across the nation with a team of over 100+ employees.
12 Cities
12 Offices
100+ Employees
Unable to track the route effectively can impact the quality of service. It raises a question regarding customer satisfaction. Most of the time, the team was unable to track the vehicle details and record the location in the register was cumbersome work. So it has reduced to the poor response given to customers. Generating lorry receipt and delivery challan was also manual work which was taking appreciable time from employees and maintaining old receipts and challan had become challenging.
Allotting drivers to any journey had become the job of an efficient planner as it involved checking the engagement of the drivers, checking their available time and then allotting the journey slot.
Clearly, Express Transport Corporation requires an efficient and concise solution that can address all of its issues.
Inability to track location
Difficult to track the real time record of delivery.
Delayed receipt and challan making
Difficult for making digital receipts and challans.
Focus on manual work
Manual updating of reports
Tracking status of driver
Difficult to trace booking allotments of drivers
Cleverlywork Solution
CleverlyWork Management Solution provides process transparency, vehicle tracking, route optimization, collection and analysis of data from vehicles, and many other aspects that become visible, traceable, and predictable for you, rather than being remained hidden.
CleverlyWork transport management system is a software application designed to manage and optimize inbound or outbound transportation operations. A more excellent process gathers, organizes, shares and analyzes the data, and it is easily accessible to the user.
Using this system, users can automate many transport operations like billing, tracking payments, creating reports etc. System keeping records of transportation is easy. Users can find any old forms in a few clicks and generate old delivery reports and other reports quickly. They need to maintain hundreds of thousands of records. Also, searching is significantly faster so they can find the required details instantly.
User friendly
The user interface is user friendly which provides quick access to the web app or website.
Safeguarding digital information throughout the entire process of the website.
Time and route management
Route management covers route optimization, driver status, and leads to time-consuming.
Easy to keep records
Keeping digital records is an excellent step for easy to find the data or the history records.
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