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CleverlyWork- Main Ideas.

                      Today we see so many exciting new technologies and innovations taking place. One such exciting new technology is the no-code software platform – “CleverlyWork.” It will enable you to design, develop and deploy your own software applications with no coding skills. No coding means less work for the developer and less headache for you, the user. It will enable you to build, test and deploy your applications in a matter of minutes with no knowledge of any programming languages whatsoever. This eliminates the need to hire a programmer and allows you to focus on your core business and growing your company rather than learning one programming language.
                “CleverlyWork” is easy to use and available online as well as offline in customized cases. Extensive support, ideal how-to videos, in-built ready-made demo products built by experts having more than 10 years of experience in a particular domain makes your work very easy.
                 In today’s world, everyone has become very computer literate, which means everyone can build their own software applications in no time. “CleverlyWork” platform is designed to run on any operating system you want to use, as it’s browser-based. This means that your business user can access an application with the most up-to-date and secure version possible.
                 You can increase your revenues by having an easy-to-use system, making it easy for you to expand your business. You no longer have to spend months training your staff on new software programs as well as hiring programmers. Now you can simply create an application within minutes and allow your customers to view your services instantly. Your business will take on a whole new direction with the easy-to-use controls of “CleverlyWork.”

cw reports 1
For each page you will see this default report landing page.

CleverlyWork will help you to build your work portal and applications. If you plan to design a web portal for business or for personal use, then cleverlyWork is ideal for your business. Or if you are a manufacturer company’s owner, and if you want to manage daily production, inventory management, and invoice printing software, then cleverlywork is ideal for you.
The idea behind CleverlyWork is to keep programming language minimal, sometimes no need for language altogether. And empower users more. So a simple user without programming experience also can create his own portal.

CleverlyWork having three types of offers.
1. Ready-made product- these products are available in the demo section. You can directly use these products as it is.
2.Ready-made +customization – by taking a ready-made product as a base product, we want to add some important modules for our business . in such a scenario, we need to customize on the top of the ready-made base. For this purpose, you need to contact our distributor or us for customization.
3.Fully customized -these are the products that we will design as per the user’s preference. Here if you don’t find any similar product in our ready-made product portfolio, then you want to build a complete product from scratch as per your requirements. For this purpose, you need to contact our distributor or us for customization.

Main parts of CleverlyWork

CleverlyWork is divided into two main parts.
The first part is the admin part. Admin part is responsible for making pages, menus, submenus, putting mathematical formulas, queries for database values insert and retrieval. Also, the admin is responsible for visual parts building like dashboard builder, template builder. Admin is responsible for creating new users, assigning roles, and creating profiles for users.
And the second part is the user side. On the user side, users will input data, edit and delete entries, view reports, filter them, and take printouts, so they can do all generally expected user sides work.

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