Case Study
Apartment Management
Intel Apartment Management
Intel Apartment Management delivers the best apartment management service with a long-term relationship with the customers in a hassle-free manner. Just because of CleverlyWork Apartment Management Solution.
About Intel Apartment Management
Intel Apartment Management is India’s fast-growing service provider in Apartment Management Industry. They are providing transparent, trustworthy solutions to various apartment owners in Megacities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai & likewise from the past 4 years. We are dealing with more than 100+ apartment owners and tenants with more than 20+ places in India. They also provide apartment-related requirements such as water supply, security services, maintenance records, repair status, etc. to improve the client experience.
Service – Retail
20+ Cities
100+ Apartments
Population Served
30000+ People
Intel Apartment Management staff was facing issues related to data collecting systematically, they need to maintain the data manually. The apartment owner or residents need to update the details manually.
Many times during the meeting, they are unable to update the meeting agenda and minutes of the meeting which sometimes leads to misuse of words or sentences in the record book.
Due to manual updation, they are unable to find past data, and if any tenants are late for payment. It automatically was going to the backlog. Sometimes it is unable to find the tenant’s details.
Follow-up of the details is hard to find in the manual records. Thus, they need some transperant and systamtic solution to address their issues.
Unable to maintain records digitally need to update the record manually or paperwork.
Tenants issue
Tenants can damage the property and can cause similar problems. It is essential to have proper individual records to take compensatory decisions.
Maintenance & Repair cost
It is not easy to deal with the manual record of monthly costs and repair costs.
Time Management
It takes time to update the data manually and it is time-consuming.
Cleverlywork Solution
CleverlyWork Apartment management has an advanced feature for the apartment management to maintain all the records related to the residents.
It has three main types of database wherein all the information of the residents is recorded. This system can help to maintain the data in sequence according to the flat No, Contact No. Name of the resident and the visitor lists which includes name, contact name, whom they want to meet, timings, etc.
It has the capacity of maintaining records of visitor and vehicle parking lists in the advanced version. It can calculate the monthly income and expenditure of the society.
After the income and expenditure are defined it generates a report of a total summary including the meeting agenda if any, or minutes of the meeting and other expenses details such as maintenance recovery, repair cost, gardening activities, etc.
Organized data
It helps to set data in a tabular format in an organized manner.
Handling meeting
It is easy to handle the meeting agenda and MOM for future reference.
Recording Costs
It has a inherent feature of recording costs and present the data for analysis.
It is easy to generate a summary report of the database.
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